Monday, April 20, 2009

God Moving in Romania

My first night in Cluj was difficult. I had been battling with a bout of insomnia. I'm sure it was brought on by the long flights. In all of my years traveling for work I have never developed the ability to sleep on a plane for more than ten minutes at a time. It is absolutely awful.

After hours of tossing and turning, barking dogs and a racing mind of what was in store for us I was able to settle down and catch a few hours of sleep (What made it even worse was the sound of my three roomies snoring away). We awoke the next morning and had a short walk to a church not far from where we were staying...God was present and moving.

I haven't been able to get more detailed information but from stories I had been told the Baptist church was a strong underground movement during Romania's communist reign. The Baptist church is strong today and steeped in tradition. We also experienced the Pentecostal church....quite the opposite. Nonetheless, every person we came in contact with, whether Baptist or Pentecostal, had a fervor for the Lord. My heart was filled with joy at the site of all of the young people on fire for God. We spent time with college and high school students that obviously have a calling on their lives. I remember thinking that I haven't experienced "church" like this in a long time. What is so different in Romania? Is it because they now enjoy the freedom to worship as they please? God, how I pray that fire comes back to the United States!

Here are some interesting facts about religion in Romania:
  • The majority of citizens are members of the Romanian Orthodox Church, which is part of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The orthodox temples and buildings are prevalent everywhere you look.
In a 2002 census the following were statistics of church membership in Romania:
  • 86.7%- Eastern Orthodox
  • 5.2%- Protestant (Baptist, Pentecostal, 7th Day Adventist)
  • 4.7%- Roman Catholics
  • .88%- Greek Catholics
That brings us to where we are planting. Our desire is to work with our contacts within Romania and plant churches. We are not absolutely certain what this looks like or how God will provide the resources. All we know is that we are stepping out in faith and He will provide. Please keep this mission in your prayers and pray for God's guidance and favor. This is all for Him and His kingdom. Blessings! Jason

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