Saturday, April 4, 2009

Introduction to Romania

This is the first blog of what I plan to be a weekly update about Romania, its people, culture and prayer needs. Check in often for updates and to read about upcoming travel plans.

Romania is a beautiful country situated in Eastern Europe. It borders Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia and Ukraine. It is a sprawling country of cities, farms and countryside. I remember back to my recent trip last November and some of the experiences I had. I was awed by the beauty surrounding the city of Cluj-Napoca. There are a number of villages to the east of Cluj that I visited. Me and some friends went on a little hike in the hills. You don't realize how out of shape you are until you try walking up hill for over half a mile. The reward was worth it. We had a stunning view of Cluj and the valley around it. On the way down we passed by a herd of sheep that were grazing. You don't see that in California!

One worthy note...we have tentatively scheduled a trip to Cluj for this coming October/November. We are planning a conference called Storm the Nations and intend on taking a rock band with us for worship and interaction with the youth in Romania. Stand by for more details.

I will never forget Cluj or the people I met while I was there. The people are genuine. They seem to know more about America, our economy and our government than many of the people I run into on a daily basis. In upcoming blogs I will share bits and pieces about my trip last year.

Here are some interesting facts about Romania:
  • Its largest area is called Transylvania (yes,, the same Transylvania of Dracula fame).
  • Total population is 21.5 million people, just a few million more people than the state of New York.
  • Capital city is Bucharest
  • Was a communist country until 1989
  • The currency is called lei (pronounced lay). One lei is equivalent to 32 cents USD
  • Current climate is in the mid to upper 60s farenheit
  • The time difference from the Pacific Coast is 10 hours
Current prayer requests:
  • That the government would make good decisions during this time of economic crisis in Romania
  • Pray for the field workers in the region of Transylvania. Now is the time where the fields are full of workers. Pray for their safety and strength.

1 comment:

  1. Hy Jason, I think it's a great idea, let me now if you need any aditional info...God bless you my brother, and all your family...can't wait to see you again, you all are very dear to our hearts here in Romania, we often remember you,and what a blessing you've been to us.
